Whitewater Rafting

Vail Rafting and Dinosaur Discovery

dinosaur whitewater rafting trip

Did you know that dinosaurs once roamed the Vail area? It’s true! These gigantic and fascinating creatures once lived here, and rafting through the Colorado River basin is the perfect way to learn more about their story. For the first time this summer, you’ll be able to dig into this unique history on a Timberline… Read more »

Whitewater Rafting Colorado

whitewater rafting colorado through Browns Canyon

If you’re planning on whitewater rafting Colorado this summer, then make sure you add several Vail rafting trips to your itinerary. Mountains, rivers, wildlife, and adventure are the key elements that make these Colorado rivers worth seeking out, and on a rafting trip, you can experience it all while choosing a level that matches the… Read more »